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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Recipe of the Week

This week has been going fairly well meal wise and we are making good use of our leftovers in lunches. We even had enough left over food that I didn't make anything new tonight. So, our weekly meny is a little off. On top of that, we are taking our daughter for her 6-month pictures tomorrow night so I will probably stick to making the spaghetti and skipping the pork chops and ravioli.

That being said, when I started this blog, I did intend to share at least 1 recipe a week. I'm a bit swamped tonight with stuff to do, so I am going to point you to a yummy sounding recipe that I might try next week, but with pork. Do you think that would work?

I found this recipe at Scribbit, one of my favorite blogs. It is for Beef Carnitas. Head on over to her blog to check it out, then come back and let me know if you think this will work for pork or chicken too.


Scribbit said...

I don't know that there's every been a time in my life when I haven't been in the mood for Tex Mex.

Scribbit said...

I mean "ever" :)