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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Grocery Day

I have decided to try and change my grocery day. It makes no sense to go shopping for the week on Thursday night when I don't plan my menus until Sunday. How can I know what I am going to need come Sunday and menu planning day? I can't.

So, there will be no fun picture of my Publix receipt today. Sorry to disappoint all 2 of you who are following along with my little experiment. I do have to admit though, that I bought milk and french bread today at Wal-mart. We had run out of milk and since we were having spaghetti tonight I thought the fancy-schmancy bakery bread would be a nice addition. And boy was it! Bruce picked out the tomatoe basil twin load and it greatly exceeded my expectations... It smelled so good even that we snacked a little on it as we drove home from the store. I had to reseal the bag to help with the temptation to scarf it all down!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

That bread does sound good!!
Jason and I miss Publix Subs!