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Monday, February 25, 2008

Meatloaf Muffins

This is one of our favorite recipes to make and it freezes really well. I think I got the recipe from either my friend Angela or Becky. It was a particular favorite when I was on Weight Watchers because in its original form these meaty little muffins are only 2 points each. I decided it was easier to make these using my scoop so they are smaller and I think if you did it the same way they would work out to 3 for 2 points. I have a couple of bags of these left in my freezer that I'm embarrassed to say are several months old.

  • 1 package bread stuffing dry mix (I prefer the corn bread flavor)
  • 10 oz canned diced tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup fat-free egg substitute
  • 2 pound raw extra lean ground beef

Combine all ingredients, including juice of canned tomatoes (I prefer to buy Extra Spicy Rotel canned, diced tomatoes for more flavor). Portion into muffin pans. Bake @ 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Makes 18 muffins. 1 muffin is 1 serving.

These make great lunch additions, especially if you do bento boxes. They are also great on bread for a sandwich or tossed in with some pasta and sauce.

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